Friday, March 6, 2009


So apparently my prior story was misunderstood by some people, which prompted a frantic phone call from my mom. To clarify:

Yes, some of the expat doctors in the districts have been ordered back to Quelimane. The government here is flexing their muscles and manipulating the NGO's, which is nothing new. The government here treats NGO's like their monkey puppets, and they use these organizations to funnel American taxpayer dollars into their own pockets. I could write a 20 page report on why US foreign aid should be pulled from this country.

I the "unapproved" expats were brought back to the Provincial capital. But Amy and I have approval for our projects (which took 6 months to get), so we're still continuing with our work. The others might be deported.

And the phone call that Amy got was just a joke. Troy and Adi were getting her back for sending a snotty text message to Adi. That being said, Amy and I have proclaimed ourselves the rulers of The Northern Alliance. With Adi and Pola in the south, and potentially out of the country, Amy and I will usher in a era of awesomeness in our northern kingdom of Alta Zambézia. It's a dawning of a new age!

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